General Discussion ( click here to enter chatroom)

Hi gang!

      This is section where anything goes. You can post whatever you like. You can experiment with joining a conversation.  This "post" has been created to create a place where members can start a discussion between the meetings.  This is very new to our website and I hope it proves to be easy for everyone!


  1. It looks pretty good in here. This should be a nice addition.

    1. Im hoping the camp members can figure it out. Its so much nicer to make the chatroom an openly available way to communicated. The original way was not easy!

  2. im glad to see you no longer need a gmail account to post a comment.

    1. Youre right, before you needed permissions. Now you can reply "anonymous" or simply as a chosen "name & url" this wasnt so bad because i didnt need to include a url, i only wrote my user name of choice

    2. Im glad you figured it out. Was the verification easy?

    3. Yeah, they seem to use a verification for each comment. Its usually a group of pictures and they ask a question.

  3. Is there a reason that I have to make a comment in order to see the chatroom in full screen?

    1. You're right gunpowdergary, its true. It seems that if you make a comment, it allows you to zoom in on the thread and it makes it easier to see the dialogue

    2. Indeed. Its much nicer to make comments once i have engaged in the discussion. The blog seems to go into "full screen" mode

    3. glad to hear! thanx for helpin the camp test this out!

  4. Im currently looking for some more interesting videos about the Civil War navy for "The Son's Cinema" we have e a couple but love to find something more comprehensive.
    When I went to the Civil War book store in Gettysburg, the nice woman told me that unfortunately the navy records are out there but information is scattered throughout other (non-navy) works. There has yet to be robust publishing on the Navy. Apparently this is because the navy at the time was seen as an extension of the Armies movements.
    For example: John Sigmund served the entire war on 5 different ships. To pinpoint what those ships did exactly at the time of his service on them, has prooved to be one of the most difficult tasks our family has tried to do.
    I suppose this is why general kbowledge about the navy can only be learned in drips and drabs.

    1. The Andersonville movie is fantastic. I had no idea that was on YouTube


      This one is good but not sure if appropriate for what you're looking for the son's cinema, this might be more of a niche interest. It's a little video about a museum in Gettysburg that has dioramas if civil war scenes but with cats instead of humans

    3. Holy crap, thats so funny. How the hell did you even come across that? The best part is that you cant shake a finger at those girls who make those cat dioramas. The effort and dedication to civil war art is beyond what most could muster. The fact that they use cats is not even the point. Im amazed, and yes-i think it would be interesting to put in the sons cinema.

    4. yeah we loved it. When Julia and I went the sisters were on vacation but their mother was their running the museum and she was extremely knowledgeable and helpful with explaining what we were looking at in all the dioramas they had.
      The scenes are historically accurate to the T, they just use kitties is all lol They'll even invite you to find the 1 single dog inside the entire museum. I couldn't find it, but Julia did.

    5. also fun fact, the mom who help runs the museum is from South Jersey, and was familiar with the towns I named dropped

  5. Oh wow. ! I had no idea you actual been there. I just figured you found that youtube video

    1. yeah, Julia told me about it after she came across the video in an article she read at one of the websites she frequents. It looked so great that we decided to go there during parade weekend

  6. Ive been watching the reenactments on youtube for Fredricksburg. They have a great showing down there. They not only do the river crossings, but they do street battle in town. The spectators are right up on them like the mummers parade. Its so cool

    1. My uncle's adopted son is a mummer!

    2. one more thing...he taught me how to dance

  7. You all should look up a picture or Robert E. Lee's wife. She was George Washington's great grand daughter (or atleast some kind of direct decendant) . She looks JUST like George Washington. Its remarkable. So much so, I just had to remark about it. I insist you look for yourself.

    1. REL was a scholar and a gentleman. He treated his horse with respect too. Also, this is being typed on an apple mac in safari, so this is good to know for future traffic accessibility.

  8. One thing to think about on a day like today are the increadible snowball fights the soldiers of the civil war had. Documented events of thousands of men took to snow like this in order to spice up the daunting camp life. Both sides partook in these huge fights (not with each other naturally) especially the southern men because of its novelty.
    This also resulted in casualties. Many broken limbs as a result of such a mass brawl in the snow.
    I cant imagine how epic these snowball fights must have looked in person

  9. I believe today in 1863 the 7th NJ had a wedding in camp that was made famous by artist Alfred Waud recorded in Harper's Weekly.

  10. hey, I wanted to put a little gettysburg current event on your radar. The FBI amoung others launched an dig for lost union went on the past couple weeks but turned up nothing. but to follow the story was quite interesting. check it out !! copy and paste this URL into your browser.



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